Thursday, November 09, 2006

Woolies Massive

Woolies Massive

1 comment:

doob said...

i just found you from Angelica/styling_gel, from Flavor Innovator. and I had just found Woolies from her too. that reflected vertical Woolies print is extra tight! did you/H+R do those two?? are you with H+R? tell me more. i used to live in LA, and LA really gave me foundations in all street arts, but i left before I got really into it all.

i liked your domain abcntmnded. i just bought dwblthnkr. haha. i was going to set it up as a blog but now... hahah..

hit me back! we can stay in touch because i like to do zines/print and have many things in mind!!

ps. what was that dilla tribute print?? a print article, or a poster???