Saturday, June 17, 2006


photo by Ani

Capitalist Globalization is no longer an evil threat, but a dark reality in the 21st century.

Multinational companies condition the consuming masses with lies, deception and manipulation in the forms of advertising tricks and fetishized logos.

These mega-corporations have infiltrated the world's governments, created legislation in their favor, and become global superpowers.

Today, this misappropriation of authority has dealt us states of international conflict, a plundering of nature and its resources, imbalances in the global economy, and a tangled web of disinformation.

In April 2005, without entering the gallery or viewing any of the art, the Los Angeles Police Department shut down the debut of MARK OF THE BEAST based on a single phone complaint that the work was offensive and aggressive.

This clear violation of First Amendment rights has been downplayed and virtually overlooked by all media sources.


The End of Suburbia

Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the American Dream. But as we enter the 21st century, serious questions are beginning to emerge about the sustainability of this way of life.

With brutal honesty and a touch of irony, The End of Suburbia explores the American Way of Life and its prospects as the planet approaches a critical era, as global demand for fossil fuels begins to outstrip supply.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ante Bellum

poster design by Absent

A lot of people don't believe the official story behind September 11th. In fact, it's become somewhat of an obscure movement of speculation among the left. Nonetheless, it's all healthy and much needed debate. Ante Bellum, which means before the war, is a good resource for videos, articles, images and all other speculation into the discrepancies of the official story behind 9-11.

Noam Chomsky was recently asked about the situation, and here is what he said:



Check out Gago Oganesyan's artwork in the gallery section, plus much more.

The Mutant Whale

Hip Hop Harry

On a positive note, all you parents out there raised on hip hop, check for Hip Hop Harry, voice of Ali Abnormal [MTV Lyricist Lounge Show] doin' big things right now!

The Hyde Magazine

Chad Howitt


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Chaka Khan playing the Drums (1976)

the human interface

check out my boy braydon's project: the human interface

i've went to the future
and I have evidence

this is a personal project of mine, that i've been obsessing over for the past year or so, it's my baby. i hope to someday have a few real babies, and a honey.

the human interface is about transforming a very rigid unorganic computer, into a very organic fluid interface. it's a very personal thing for me. i live inside my computer, and it's time to rebel against the desktop monarchy

the restrictions are starting to drive me crazy
"must put everything in folders"
"must give everything a unique name"
"must paste everytime i cut"

sometimes when i drop something it goes down, and sometimes it goes up
sometimes when i hit a key it does one thing, and another time it does another
i'm sick of looking at my desktop, there is much more to the world then a desktop

the human interface

Omid Hip Hop

photos by Hadi Salehi

Omid, Hip Hop Producer of albums such as "Beneath the Surface," "Monolith" and collaborator with Sach, Aceyalone, Grand Puba, the Beastie Boys, Iriscience, Freestyle Fellowship, Living Legends and many, many more.....

Iranian Rebel Alliance Network

has been created in response to the lack of interest among the Iranian diaspora, specifically the youth concerning the support and solidarity of the internal struggle for Democracy inside Iran.

In hopes to create dialogue resulting in action, we welcome all people who have a desire for Iran to flourish as a Democracy to defend the rights of all Iran's religious and ethnic groups, the youth, academicians, women, and political opposition groups.' - I.R.A.N.


What is 'UP OUR SLEEVE?'

Music memories, paper, paint, ink, ribbons, paste, plastic, photos, metal, vinyl, trains, tape, mannequin heads, and magic. Out of wartime and low cash woes came inspiration for united creativity. We distributed hundreds of blank 12" record sleeves to our artistic friends who passed them onto their pals and on and on. UP OUR SLEEVE reflects the dublab community. We are rooted in Los Angeles while branching worldwide.

dublab dj's are in love with vinyl and the deep culture that surrounds it. Sadly, album art has been shrinking: 12" > 5" > invisible MP3's. UP OUR SLEEVE is an opportunity to expand again. Our sleeves are big. A square foot of fun with a hole tossed in the middle. A blank 12" cover is an exciting medium. It's instantly recognizable and infinitely adjustable.

Most often album covers are made to match existing music. UP OUR SLEEVE flips this paradigm. The pieces are influenced by music genres and albums while existing free of specific attachment. This is open artistic expression. Who knows, someday songs might be sung for these covers.

UP OUR SLEEVE: the dublab covers project is a fundraiser. Each artist donated their one of a kind creation. The sleeves will be auctioned off online to support dublab's positive music transmissions. Keep your eyes on for auction dates.

UP OUR SLEEVE is an exploration of deep music imagery.
We hope you dig it.

What is 'dublab?' is a radio collective devoted to the growth of positive music and culture. We are a grassroots center for creative expression. Dublab spreads beautiful future roots music via the
world's best djs. Over the past five years, millions of listeners have connected to our audio streams.

Amnesty International

Outdoor Campaign

Amnesty International in Switzerland broke a new outdoor campaign May 29th that was created by Walker Werbeagentur Zuerich. The campaign uses the tagline "It's not happening here but it's happening now", in various languages, from French to German. Using the transparent billboards, the campaign aims to show people what is going on in the world, even if it's not happening in front of them at the bus stop. The ads portray issues in countries like Iraq, China, and Sudan.


Out of Print.